A2L Rewards





Student Rewards Store

We all respond to incentives.  Students are no different and, with the help of our Student Rewards Store, they can become immediately aware of the benefits to themselves for positive behaviour.  Students are able to take responsibility for their behaviour and understand the correlation between positive behaviour and positive reinforcement.


The Academy has a system of rewards which aims to motivate and encourage pupils.  This is an important aspect of the ethos of the Academy and the achievements and successes of pupils, in whatever area and at whatever level, are noted and given due worth.  This helps to build up individual self-confidence and self-esteem and leads to further personal development.


This academic year all rewards will link with our Attitude to Learning (A2L) strategy, replacing the previous system called STRIPES.  Academy staff issue A2L points to reward our students for a variety of reasons such as resilience, embracing challenge, independence and organisation, deep thinking, learning from failures and taking risks, showing an improved attitude and working hard. They can earn additional points outside of the classroom by having a good attendance, wearing their uniform as expected, positive behaviour, completing quality homework in their Knowledge Organiser exercise book, and for nominations for Student of the Month. In addition, there will be a variety of occasions throughout the year where students will be able to volunteer to support us in the Academy in order to gain more A2L points. This system allows all members of Academy staff to take part in promoting positive behaviour.


Once the points have been earned, students will have the opportunity to go onto the Classcharts website (through their app) to exchange their points for a wide variety of goods.  This system is used from Year 7 right through to Year 11, therefore the goods will be age-related; from pencils to prom tickets, there is something for everyone.


As a parent/guardian you can also view your son/daughter’s A2L points via the Classcharts app that you already have to monitor homework and behaviour.  If they fully engage with us in the Academy you will see their A2L points grow throughout the year.  If you would like any further information about our rewards scheme please email the Academy:


Waterleat Road Centre wrdadmin@paigntonacademy.org

Borough Road Centre brdadmin@paigntonacademy.org




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